Welcome fellow Afffinty Designer users. I go by the name VectorVonDoom on the Affinity forums, I hate thinking up user names and that's the best I could come up with. You can view some of my work and doodlings on there. I have been using Affinity Designer on and off since it was first in beta on the Mac although I've recently been using it far more regularly.
System—these palettes are saved to your operating system. These palettes are available within Affinity Designer and other applications installed on your system. PANTONE®—these palettes are based on PANTONE® Colors. These palettes are available to any Affinity Designer document. Affinity Designer is the fastest, smoothest, most precise vector graphic design software around. Built from the ground up over a five-year period, every feature, tool, panel and function has been developed with the needs of creative professionals at its core. PANTONE© and Greyscale colour models. Full 16-bit per channel editing. End.
- These palettes are available to any Affinity Photo document. System—these palettes are saved to your operating system. These palettes are available within Affinity Photo and other applications installed on your system. PANTONE®—these palettes are based on PANTONE® Colors.
- Which Colour Scheme Do I Use? RGB - CMYK - PANTONE For Affinity Documents is a brief and non-technical look at just what the various colour schemes mean.
- Pantone support, end-to-end CMYK and ICC color management are just part of it. You can also open, edit and output PDF/X files, set overprint controls and add bleed, trim and crop marks for press-ready output. Complete integration of Affinity apps With Affinity Publisher, you can directly link to your other Affinity apps through StudioLink.
Affinity Designer Pantone Farben
Generally resources for vector applications are more scarce than for raster apps and Affinity Designer resources are no exception, there are some out there but not a lot. So I'm starting to try and help with that by releasing Affinity Designer resource packs, gradients, swatches, styles, backgrounds and anything else I think might be useful. Unless I start releasing complex things like complete images they'll all be the price of a coffee or lunch.
Affinity Publisher Pantone
As they occur to me I'm also be adding Affinty Designer tips and tricks, hopefully you'll find something in there that you didn't already know.