Create a Digital Html5 Flip Book in seconds. Free to try, from only $30 to activate. Easily make your magazine, catalogs, newspapers and more viewable on all devices including iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Using Bote™ to create a page flip PDF is an active contribution to environmental protection. If you are also against the increasing deforestation of forests and the production of waste, paperless e-publication is certainly the right solution for you. Make your contribution with Bote™.

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Convert WeightConvert TemperatureConvert LengthConvert SpeedToday (10/17/2019), I published my content as a PDF flipbook HTML5 and got really frustrated. I could not find software that worked well for me. I was looking for a service that is free, easy to use, fast loading, offers how-to-tutorials, and has many features. It seemed impossible to find a software that offered all. But that changed when I finally found the free HTML5 flipbook service YumpuPublishing!
Within my profession, I have vast responsibilities.
Just one has been producing content for clients, board members, volunteers, and the community.
In the past, I would use free flip book software for PDF files to send in emails and print publications out into either book or report forms.

The problem with this though is that it did not help reach the community specifically and I could not send some items to clients for safety reasons.
This caused me to start looking for a solution to these problems specifically within the organization.T
How I came across the perfect HTML5 flipbook maker
I looked at numerous options that offered HTML5 formatting, but most of these options required prior knowledge.
Lacking in this skill, I chose to look at YumpuPublishing closely that offered a powerful flipbook technology based on HTML5 and formatting automatically.
Upon closer examination of its features, I was happy with what I saw and chose to try it out.
In essence, it provides a platform for publications such as product newsletters, digital magazines, catalog, product flipbook and other types of literature for various fields of interest.
The main factor for me was the costs. I had to stay within a budget.
…for me, free was a great price for the flip book maker software!
The cool thing was that you could even add videos, a photo slideshow, audio files, and hyperlinks to the flipbook.
I have always had an eye out for a cost-effective way to do desktop publishing and flipbook creators.
I have tried different programs to prepare simple documents such as resumes to the more complex eMagazine but found that one service was good for brochures and bad for Magazines or great for eBooks and Magazines but bad for smaller publishing tasks.
After a few months, I decided to get an upgrade to their adFREE plan which offers even more stunning features. I didn’t regret it once – the only regret I actually had was that I did not upgrade anytime sooner as I benefit a lot from their additional features such as Google Analytics and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
If you are also interested in that plan, you got nothing to lose as they offer a 30-day free trial and after that, it is only 14,95€/month.
Tutorial: Create the perfect HTML5 flipbook for free
What will I learn here?
I will teach you how to create, publish and share an HTML5 flipbook with page flip that has everything you need. We will even include multimedia elements like video, audio, and links.
How long will it take?
I know how valuable your time is. So this entire tutorial will only cost you about 20 minutes, but after 2-3 minutes you already have the basic flipbook.
20 minutes is only the case if you include all kinds of additional customizations like adding rich media, etc.
What do I need?
If you don’t have a PDF yet, you will need the publishing software to create the magazine you need (for example Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Word).
What is the result of this guide?
This is an example magazine, embedded in this blog:
Create PDF with the digital Flipbook software program
- To create a flipbook with HTML5, you need a document in the PDF file format.
- If you already have a PDF you want to use, please skip this step!
- There are multiple ways to create a PDF file so that you can later create PDF magazine online with the flip magazine software free.
- The easiest way is to use an office tool like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.
- If you created a file with one of those software, press “File” and then “Export”.
- Then choose PDF as the file format and there it is!
- Your PDF page. Now you can create your PDF Flip Book free with an online software.
You can read how to do that in detail here: Microsoft
But I wanted a little more styling capabilities for my TV magazine, so I bought a magazine template from for Photoshop.
If you want to do this too, just search for something like “Photoshop magazine template“, I used this template.
The best would be to buy a template for InDesign, but as I don’t own that software I went with Photoshop.
I just added a few images and texts. Then I saved every single page as a PDF file with a click on “File” and then on “Save as”.
Then I chose PDF as the file format and ready were my magazine pages as PDF.
All I had to do now, was merging the PDF files into one single file, so I can upload it to YumpuPublishing. To do this I used this neat little online tool called IlovePDF. It is pretty easy to use and it is completely free.
The Flipbook Creator – First steps
Now you have your finished PDF. You can start the page flip book maker free by uploading the PDF and convert your PDF to HTML5.
Go to this link: YumpuPublishing and register your email address. Click on the confirmation link – that’s it, you’re in! Now you have your new free account at YumpuPublishing.
Then click on the gray icon on the right, next to your profile icon:
Drag your file to “Drop file here to upload” and wait a bit.
If the size of your file is a little bit bigger, it may take a few minutes until the upload is done.
Edit Flipbook
Now choose a good title, a meaningful description, and fitting tags for your flipbook. To find the basic information you just have to scroll down where you have uploaded your file.
This helps the reader as well as all major search engines like Google.
When you have entered a long description and at least 5 tags, your digital magazine will be indexed way higher than just the pure online flipbook.
After only 3 weeks my HTML5 Flipbook got indexed by Google. And ranked on top of the search result for my topic, thanks to their service which optimizes my flip magazines for search engines.
Readers/users who don’t know what your document is about will also be glad that there are a good description and title.
The service will automatically pick tags from your HTML5 flip page book.
If you don’t like them, you can remove them by clicking on the “x” icon.
The service will also try to detect the language of your magazine.
Make sure it is the right one. Because it determines in what version of YumpuPublishing (German, English, Spanish, etc.) your magazine will be displayed.
Since you also display your created magazine on the platform, you will even reach a ton of readers (YumpuPublishing has millions of active readers and users!).
adFREE settings
Below these basic information, you can find the APPKiosk settings.
These configurations can only be made if you own the AppKiosk plan.
You can enable an IAP sale item etc. the download function but what I show you here is for the FREE version only so we won’t cover those functions.
Add Multimedia to the flipbook
You can add multimedia elements to your flipbook via the Hotspot Editor with the flip book software free. This function you find directly after the AppKiosk settings.
With this tool, you can add videos, links and audio files via drag & drop to your flipbook’s pages.
Now you are in the Hotspot Editor.

On the left side, you can see a navigation bar with all the different multimedia elements.
On the right side, you can choose which page you want to edit.
Select the page of the online flipbook you want to edit.
Then choose the element you want. (I choose the video element) and click somewhere on the page where you want to add it.
Drag the element as big as you want and click again.
You can now see a new window on the right, where you can configure the created hotspot.
Add the required information (in my case the name and Youtube ID) and hit save.
Congratulations, you just added your first hotspot inside the HTML5 flipbook creator. It is also a free flip catalog creator.
Open the document to view the new element with you created with the flip catalog software free.
Now you are done with creating your flipbook design, you can share it on Facebook, and other networks. Just click on the social media button of your choice and your flipbook is shared immediately.
You can not only share your interactive PDF Flipbook but also embed PDF in HTML on your website. Go back to your magazine settings and scroll down to “Embed”. Click on the button “Open Embed Options” and choose one embed option:
I always choose the advanced embed option. After you get your embed code which allows you to embed your flipbook to your website or blog etc.
And that’s it! Now you are in posession of a high quality flipbook which allows you to share and spread your great product.
The best free HTML5 based flipbook Service
When I first began writing, I originally thought that it would be easy for me just to post my material online.
I quickly learned that many other services out there had technical limitations, and because I didn’t have the time to learn a complex system, these solutions simply were not feasible.
Initially, blogging was a great solution for me, but as more and more people began to read my material, I knew that there had to be a better way to present it.
I had heard in the past about a so-called flipbook, an exciting new web technology that lets people display dynamic content in a very visually pleasing way.
I had a number of PDF files that I wanted to upload and share. But I didn’t know how to change them from PDF to HTML5.
The one feature you will notice is it adds that “wow” factor to any digital publishing medium you are creating.
If your goal is to get your material read then this flipbook service is the service you are looking for.
This is a very new digital newsstand as well as a digital desktop publisher platform which boasts a huge amount of e-magazines as well as several millions of very active readers who use mobile devices and html5 flipbook.
The services main element is the leading new and emerging titles one finds in the fashion world as well as culture, some arts, and the developing hyperlocal content.
YumpuPublishing makes all of these elements accessible on any of your desktop or mobile devices.
Many mainstream online publications use YumpuPublishing and it is very compatible as it creates a flipbook from your PDF based on HTML5 standards, which is readable on any device.
How I Started creating my flipbook
To understand how to use this online tool and how the flipbook works, I decided to start with a simple two-page brochure that described the services my organization promoted.
It was simple to get started by uploading the PDF formatted version to their cloud server.
I was able to see then how HTML5 technology worked and decided to work on an important publication using all of their features.
After the brochure, I focused on revamping the current training book for the organization.
The current model was in book form with graphs and tables showing statistics, exercises for our workers and volunteers, policies to uphold, forms to fill out, and all the information on the work we do and how to approach clients.
This did not include the information that was gained from in-training videos and audio.
In total, the book contained over 40 hours of training for one position.
Customizing my HTML5 flipping book software free
After transferring the free flipping book to PDF format and uploading it to YumpuPublishing, I started working on improving the training book.
The first part was simply adding the logo to the cover page.
The customization to make the book look great continued with the colors and background.
The training book looked great, especially with the sound and look of the HTML5 flipbook technology.
The first portion of the customization was complete.
The media and audio was another big component to consider adding in.
The issues I had experienced before using this service caused training to last longer.
The main issue was incorporating these files into the trainings using the current equipment available to me. Which was a moody laptop that could not decide if it wanted to work or not.
With this service, I was able to place these media files into the training book.
Through the cloud-based server, those attending training were now able to find the responsive material needed and look at them through any devices (iPhone, android phone, tablet, mac, windows pc, etc.).
While I incorporated the materials into in-classroom trainings, the attendees could then listen and watch the media required on their own time.
Cost and time-efficient flipbook creation
It made it extremely easy for me to convert PDF documents with their flip book use creator.
Unlike other platforms that wanted to charge me an arm and a leg and made it easy for me to afford just what I wanted.
They even let people publish their material for free.
Not only did they have great solutions for PDF to flipbook conversion. But they also had a ton of additional features and tools that other companies did not have
Further top features
For example, it lets me take my video and audio files and integrate them directly into my HTML5 document.
Flip Html5 Crack
This creates an extremely immersive experience for my readers, and it has helped me to engage more people.
Likewise, I can even add sign-up forms right on my documents, allowing me to let users join a mailing list.
This greatly increased my communication capabilities with my readers.
I am also able to include Google Analytics – this allows me to see how my users interact with my content and I get to track things such as clicks, page views and more!
I would recommend this platform to any professional. Such as a doctor, a lawyer or accountant as well as a start-up business person who cannot afford support staff or more professional graphics publication systems.
Many of these professionals use mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones. And a flipbook is perfect to read on these devices.
This is why I absolutely love it and it is a flipbook and my friends all have said the same. The catalog flipbook software is so amazing.
Its compatibility with many different desktop and mobile devices places it on the cutting edge of multi-capable desktop and mobile publishing programs.
It can be easily embedded on your favorite platform for easy access and use such as a website portal or even Facebook.
Another wonderful feature of this platform is that it allows you to really customize the look and feel of your publication. And it will be a plus for professionals that may not be able to afford a professional desktop publisher or even an assistant.
Many of these professionals use a html5 flipbook to publish their stuff.
First Results
After sharing the links with those who worked in the organization and the first training class utilizing the book, there was an immediate response.
Trainings still took the forty hours necessary to start working for the organization.
They ran smoother though as I could then assign homework to watch or listen to a certain media file.
During the next session of training, they could then be tested on the material and deeper discussion could take place.
The major compliment though was how the digital training guide allowed them to experience the trainings in a format that reminded them of an actual free flipping book software.
This was thanks to the HTML5 flipbook technology that allowed them to hear the page turn as well as see it, thus enhancing their enjoyment of the course.
A common statement I heard was, “It seems like a real book you have to hold, but it is better.”
Subsequent Projects
After the training book was a success, I transferred the organizations’ other digital publications to this website too.
The publications have included reports for board holders, materials for clients, and educational materials for the community as a whole.
The result of all these publications looked fresh, inviting, and professional.
Other activities have included flyers and informational brochures for events our organization has.
Although these types of publications are only a page and do not use HTML5 technology, the result has stayed the same in creating a professional, attractive look.
These have ultimately led to an increase in participation in the different functions the organization hosted.
How it helped my organization!
Before I found this service, the organization was running fairly well.
The cost was high though with continually training new volunteers and employees.
For each new employee, a training book was printed.
This added up over time with the cost of paper, ink, and binding.
Other monthly publications, was distributed to various locations and at board meetings.
Saving money
Since I have been using it, the budget has decreased dramatically.
Utilizing the HTML5 flipbook creator, those same publications are now available online, reducing the amount of money spent on materials needed to produce these publications.
I can now create the publications needed for free using YumpuPublishing’s service.
The ease of access provided aid to how the organization was run.
I have received nothing but compliments of how all the published works appear, especially with HTML5 utilized.
All my clients, volunteers, and employees are able to view these publications on any device, at any time.
The organization’s board members have been grateful for the improved transparency of the organization with all our reports being shown online.
Flip Html5 Crack
This transparency has helped overall in receiving funding from sources outside the community.
Business growth in numerous areas
Not only did the company’s budget decrease, but the company also grew in numerous areas.
After creating and telling those whom I worked with and trained about the training book publication, there were developments within the organization.
The information about the company was being shared through social media, bringing awareness of our cause.
This awareness not only got the attention of other communities around our operating area but also started drawing interest from all over the state.
This improvement has led to the company being asked to participate in trainings for statewide organizations, schools, and community events were no services had been offered before.
Educational events followed from the publications after the training book. Local public schools and college campus’s started asking others and myself in our organization to come and speak to students about what we do.
Since all of these publications, we have been traveling consistently to keep communities informed of social issues and how to help with these issues.
This information was not possible with just social media.
YumpuPublishing provided search engine optimization for all the publications that I created.
As I found out from asking those who would contact us, they found us by searching the internet for the types of services we provided.
My overall about the free flipbook creator
Throughout this time, the support they have provided concerning HTML5 technology for flip books, and any other questions I have had has been great.
I have been greatly pleased with what I have seen.
Flip Html5 Review
This stems from the ease of access to upload my pdf files, the customization levels for each document, the inclusion of media, and the ability to share the publications and grow the organization to a state-level currently.
Would I recommend their HTML5 flipbook creator pro services?
If you are looking for a service that allows your publications to be available for everyone to see while using HTML5 technology, then they are the right choice.
This free service is a great option when looking to upload publications that will look professional as the final product.
I love the accessible customer support that is on stand by to assist.
What I did not pick up in the tutorial I easily picked up with a quick link to customer support.
Flip Html5 Login
Anyone who is in need of a free HTML5 ready flipbook conversion should definitely consider this free PDF flip book software. I never thought a publishing solution would be so easy. I was even more blown away to hear about the free services that they offered.
I’m glad that I have found this free flip book maker service and I know my readers are too.
They’re now able to enjoy rich, immersive, and engaging content.
Finding such a great publishing platform has allowed me to focus more on my writing and photography allowing me to be better at what I do.
Were other PDF to HTML5 flipbook conversion services failed, the flip book online publication software YumpuPublishing was able to meet and exceed all of my expectations.
Fliphtml5 Coupon Code
I hope you liked my review and the free magazine page flipping software!