Thunderbird 78 FAQ - After upgrading to Thunderbird 78, I cannot get or send email messages. Delete SMTP Password. Try deleting your SMTP password. However, don't do this as a first step, especially if you cannot send messages after updating Thunderbird while you previously could.
Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize - and it’s loaded with great features! The Mozilla source code can be obtained either by downloading a source archive or by using a Mercurial (source control) client. If you are just starting out or you want to build a particular Mozilla product release, downloading a source archive is recommended. Otherwise, get the Mozilla Source Code using Mercurial (for Firefox) or Getting Comm-central Source Code (for Thunderbird, SeaMonkey.
Welcome to the Thunderbird Project's community page, with links to commonly requested information.
To learn more, to discuss, to get involved, to help promote Thunderbird, to say 'Thanks' see Get Involved.
To make a product suggestion or report a bug please use bugzilla.
Thunderbird is alive and well in 2020! Please help us keep it that way!
The Thunderbird product is developed and managed by the Thunderbird Project, which is collectively the community (both paid staff and volunteers) and the Thunderbird Council:
- The community has continuously shipped releases with bug fixes and enhancements for many years. Read more at the Thunderbird Blog.
- The community holds regular meetings to discuss important matters of common interest. Meetings are open to anyone interested in Thunderbird.
- The Thunderbird Council is the governing body for the Thunderbird Project, and coordinates legal and fiscal matters on behalf of the community, and provides overall product strategy.
- The Mozilla Foundation is the project's legal and fiscal home.
- Thunderbird Communication Channels - How and where to get information.
- Learn how to deploy 'Thunderbird in an organization' at Thunderbird for enterprises.
How YOU can help and get involved ... Thunderbird is self-supported by its user community. We need and welcome you. Please give back to the community.
- Answer user questions in Thunderbird support forum. ( aka SUMO is where users like you are supported by users like you.)
- If you answer user questions, join support crew.
- Improve the Knowledge Base (aka KB) documentation, which users refer to for assistance.
- Help with quality assurance and testing.
- Help other translators to localize Thunderbird in your language.
- Contribute patches and fixes.
- Add-ons Guide for Thunderbird 57-60 and Add-ons Guide for Thunderbird 63 and beyond.
- Core Team - List of people typically actively involved on a weekly basis, and providing major input into Thunderbird.
To get more information or talk to a human, or just to introduce yourself, see Thunderbird Communication Channels, especially the IRC channel.Again, we need users like you to help in one of the above areas. Please inquire today.

Thunderbird Project version numbers generally match up to Mozilla Firefox ESR and beta versions. (Unlike Firefox, Thunderbird releases versions between ESRs only as betas, for example 69-77 are betas only) Future ESR releases of Thunderbird upcoming are 78, 88, 98, etc.
Latest release
- Get the current release of Thunderbird from
- Get the beta from the future of Thunderbird.
Mozilla Firefox Thunderbird
Upcoming releases

- Version 78 and version 68:
- Version 78 will be available in July. It is currently available as a beta.
- Thunderbird does not release on specific scheduled dates, because we ship when code is ready and tested. We roughly track (i.e. do not strictly follow**) the ESR release schedule of Firefox. See the ESR column of RapidRelease/Calendar.
- ESR Releases typically happen 1 week after published Firefox dates. But it could be more, because we ship when code is ready and tested. In other words dates cannot be accurately predicted. If you see a date you should take it with a grain of salt. If you do not see the 'newest' version listed at the Thunderbird home page, do not worry, the new version is just not yet ready. New features and fixes happen as volunteers have time to work on them and fix them - there are no schedules for fixes and features which can be communicated to users. If you want new features sooner, then please help us test and code, or use the beta mentioned above.
- Release Driving - How releases move towards completion
Past releases
The Thunderbird council is an elected body of 7 members. See about the Council and Community for more information. See more information about the council elections.
Past Councils
Free Thunderbird Download
- 2020:
- Election results Council module Berna Alp, Patrick Cloke (Secretary), Philipp Kewisch (Chair), Christopher Leidigh, Magnus Melin, Ryan Sipes (Treasurer), Dirk Steinmetz
- 2019:
- Election results: Berna Alp, Patrick Cloke, Philipp Kewisch (Chair), Jörg Knobloch, Magnus Melin, Wayne Mery (Secretary), Ryan Sipes (Treasurer)
- 2018:
- Election results: Patrick Cloke, Philipp Kewisch (Chair), Jörg Knobloch, Philippe Lieser, Magnus Melin, Wayne Mery, Ryan Sipes
- 2017:
- ELection results: Ben Bucksch, Patrick Cloke, R Kent James (Chair) Philipp Kewisch, Jörg Knobloch, Magnus Melin, Wayne Mery
- 2017 Electoral Roll - Electoral Roll.
- 2014:
- The initial Thunderbird Council was elected at the first Thunderbird Summit held in Toronto, Canada in the fall of 2014: Mike Conley, Joshua Cranmer, R Kent James (Chair), Philipp Kewisch, Magnus Melin, Wayne Mery, Florian Quèze.
- 2020:
These links are outdated or from past management teams, and do not reflect current plans and priorities.

- New Release and Governance Model (issued November 2012)
- Thunderbird 38 - Thunderbird 38
- UX - User Experience
- Feature Work - Ongoing work that is expected to land in the Thunderbird core
- Development - General development area.
- Extensions - Information for developers looking to develop extensions for Thunderbird.
- Automated Testing - Automated Testing of Thunderbird.
- Discussion for new features - A place to discuss and consolidate potential new features.
- Thunderbird/Infrastructure - Thunderbird Build & Release Infrastructure.
- Level of support for add-on -- Level of support for add-on.
- Thunderbird Marketing - Help spread the word on Thunderbird.
- Participation - Ongoing work around participation & community
- Archived - Obsolete Thunderbird wiki pages.
- Other projects - Projects related to Thunderbird.
- Open Badges - How Thunderbird might use Open Badges
- Toronto Thunderbird Summit October 15-18, 2014 - Thunderbird 2014 Contributors Summit
- Thunderbird Roles - Thunderbird Roles (Under Development)