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Kurdish Members of Parliament (MPs) have responded to a sexually aggressive image published in an Iraqi newspaper in reaction to Monday’s independence referendum vote, with one female MP saying the image “amounts to a declaration of war against the Kurdistan region.”
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The image, reportedly published on the front page of Al-Nahar, shows five black men in boxers staring at a young blonde girl in a message that some have suggested was a “reference to repercussions awaiting Kurdistan after independence referendum.”
1-Iraqi newspaper Al-Nahar published following photo on Sept26 in reference 2 repercussions awaiting #Kurdistan aftr independence referendum
— Mohammed A. Salih (@MohammedASalih) September 27, 2017
A reverse image search in Google yielded results which indicated the blond woman in the picture is porn actress Piper Perri.
“We strongly condemn this disgusting action,” Shirin Raza, a Gorran MP on the human rights committee in the Iraqi parliament, told Rudaw. “Publishing this meme amounts to a declaration of war against the Kurdistan Region. We will be filing a lawsuit against this paper.”
Shakhawan Abdullah, the deputy head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) faction in the Iraqi parliament, told Rudaw, “Our two different cultures is one of the reasons behind our separation. The publishing of this image unmasks their real face. It shows how they eye our women, honor, territory, and wealth. They showed this in practice during the Anfal campaign and in the assaulting of the Yazidi women.”

Abdullah reportedly added, “Establishing an independent Kurdistani state will be our best response to them, and this is because we can in no way live together with them. This action of belittling and staring at the honor of women is what can be expected from them.”
In a statement issued this week, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, “The United States does not recognize the Kurdistan Regional Government’s unilateral referendum held on Monday. The vote and the results lack legitimacy and we continue to support a united, federal, democratic and prosperous Iraq.”
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Israel appears to be the only country to recognize the Iraq Kurdistan referendum.
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Adelle Nazarian is a politics and national security reporter for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.