
I use rekordbox for some parties a couple of times yearly. I used to have a macbook, so i was managing my playlists through rekordbox but as well with itunes, using the ability of rekordbox to read itunes playlist. I'm now switching to a linux laptop. So i'm dualbooting Linux Mint, keeping Windows almost only for rekordbox. Getting started Rekordbox tutorial. Rekordbox for beginners. For the absolute beginner DJ, you have to familiarize yourself with Pioneer DJ Rekordbox softwar.

  1. Rekordbox For Linux Free
  2. Rekordbox For Linux Operating System
  3. Rekordbox For Linux Download
  4. Rekordbox Linux Wine

You can download your library at any time by pressing the Download button in the top of the screen when you're logged in.

You can also download your library in the Download Library menu and download either a Rekordbox, Traktor or VirtualDJ version of your library.

Rekordbox for linux operating system

To learn how to import your downloaded file back into Rekordbox, Traktor or VirtualDJ: read on below.

Serato uses the Companion App to write file tags.

Rekordbox 5 & 6

Importing a Rekordbox XML file is a bit complex, but just follow the steps below. These steps are the same for Rekordbox 5 and Rekordbox 6. Rekordbox 6 is fully supported.

First we have to set the Rekordbox XML location in the advanced preferences menu. Only after that will the XML menu appear.

  1. Make sure you didn't change anything in Rekordbox since you last uploaded your library since those changes may be overwritten.
  2. Download the Rekordbox XML file
  3. Open the Rekordbox preferences in the File menu

  1. Go to the Advanced tab and set the Imported Library location to the XML file you just downloaded.

  1. Make sure that 'Rekordbox xml' is checked on the View tab under Layout.

  2. Close the preferences menu and restart Rekordbox.

  3. You will now see the new rekordbox xml option in the menu. Your downloaded XML should already be loaded but if it isn't, just press the tiny Reload button. If you don't see the XML tab, make sure you restarted Rekordbox.

  1. The easiest thing you can do now is to right click your top most playlist called Playlists and click Import Playlist. This imports all playlists and all tracks inside any of your playlists. If you have tracks that aren't in any playlist then you may need to import the entire collection too. Importing the entire collection may take a while so it might be faster to only import specific playlists.
  1. Warning: The latest versions of Rekordbox have a bug that prevents importing of XML files. Until Pioneer fixes this, you should use version 5.6.0 to import tracks. This bug also exists in Rekordbox 6. More info and the download links to the older Rekordbox can be found here

Rekordbox For Linux
Since changing the location buried in the preferences is a pain, you should set it to your download folder so you can just replace the old rekordbox.xml when you download a new one and you only need to press the Reload button in Rekordbox.


To import an NML file back into Traktor follow these steps:

  1. Right click Track Collection and select Import another collection
  1. Find the NML file you just downloaded from rekordcloud.
  1. Traktor will ask you if you want to keep your file tags or use the tags from the collection you're importing. Select collection here.
  1. Sometimes playlists don't show up immediately, restart Traktor if that happens.

  2. Your tracks and playlists are now updated and you can start using them.

If you relocated or deleted any files: you should right click a track in your collection and select Check Consistency. This lets confirm relocated tracks are found and allows you to easily remove deleted tracks from your collection.


You should have downloaded a ZIP file. This file contains your database.xml with all your track information and a Playlists folder.

Importing a VirtualDJ library is just replacing these files.

  1. Make sure VirtualDJ has the following settings:
  • getRatingFromTags: No
  • getCommentFromTags: No
  • getCuesFromTags: No
  • useKeyFromTag: No
  1. Close VirtualDJ

  2. If your music is on an external/network drive, delete the database.xml file inside the VirtualDJ folder on that drive.

  3. Go to your main VirtualDJ folder: Documents/VirtualDJ

  4. Delete the Playlists folder and the database.xml file here.

  5. Copy the contents of your downloaded ZIP file into your VirtualDJ folder. You should have a database.xml file and a Playlists folder in the same place again.

  6. Start VirtualDJ and your library is updated. You will find your playlists under Lists & Advice -> Playlists


VirtualDJ doesn't export empty playlist folders. So if you had empty playlist folders that are now missing, it's because VirtualDJ never included them in your database backup.

If you notice that your tracks aren't getting updated, it may be because you did not delete the database.xml file on your external drive. This file contains old information and VirtualDJ takes priority on this file. After deleting and importing it, VirtualDJ will recreate it again with the new track information.


Serato uses the Rekordcloud Companion App to write the tags of your music files and to update your crates. You can download the Companion App here

After downloading your library with the Companion App, just open up Serato and you're done.

The STM32F7 is a Cortex-M7 microcontroller provided by STMicroelectronics. The evaluation board is called “Discovery board” and it’s equipped with several different peripherals. It’s shipped with 16Mbytes of RAM but unfortunately only 8Mbytes is actually accessible. The reason is that STM selected a 32bit RAM but on the evaluation board only 16 pins are actually connected: so you can address the whole RAM but you can use only half of it 🙂

So today challenge is to boot Linux on a system with only 8Mbytes of RAM. To make this possible I started from the BSP provided by Emcraft Systems. You can download the BSP fro their web site (https://www.emcraft.com/products/503#software). They have some binaries available, but we want to build our own Linux, and we want to run the new 4.2 Kernel. Unfortunately Emcraft doesn’t provided the new Kernel 4.2, so it’s up to us to build it.

As you probably already know, to boot the system we need:

  • U-boot
  • Kernel (we choose 4.2 version)
  • Device Tree
  • Filesystem
  • Toolchain

We are going to use u-boot and kernel from the Emcraft BSP (compiled with the GNU toolchain for uClinux Cortex-M3/M4), while we are going to create our own filesystem image and toolchain starting from the Buildroot project. The Buildroot project is really great and the guys who work there are even more great (take a look at the site https://buildroot.org).

I’m not going to focus on how you can configure the BSP of Emcraft and how you can flash the bootloader on the board because you can find all the information you need on their web site. For the laziest ones, here below useful links:

All the files you need to build the system can be downloaded from here:

Build U-boot

To build the u-boot you can access the folder of BSP:

and setting the environment

Then you need to change the file:

with the one in the archive file (STM32F7_lorenx.tar.gz). Then you can run the build:

Rekordbox For Linux Free

The u-boot is now ready to be flashed on the board.

Build Kernel 4.2 and Device Tree

In the archive file (STM32F7_lorenx.tar.gz) you can find the right kernel configuration (.config) and the devicetree files. Replace and add the files in the linux folder and build the kernel:

The kernel will be lately loaded by the u-boot through tftp. The setup of a tftp server and the boot via tftp is out of the scope of this post.

Build Buildroot (2016.08.1)

The final step is to build the root fileystem which will be lately flashed on a SD card. The configuration (.config) can be found in the archive file (STM32F7_lorenx.tar.gz).

The filesystem has a very minimal configuration and its footprint is about 2Mbytes. The filesystem can also be customised using the “menuconfig” command provided by buildroot.

Rekordbox For Linux Operating System

My configuration will also build a toolchain which can be used to build applications that can be loaded on the system. The toolchain provides build utilities and also the most important libraries like POSIX threads library. The libpthread is not available in the Cortex-M toolchain downloaded from the Emcraft website, but it is a very important library which is widely used in many applications. The toolchain can be found in the “output/host/usr” folder, and can be customised with any suffix: I have chosen the “inxpect” suffix which is the name of the company I’m currently woking for (great project, take a look http://www.inxpect.com).

After run “make” command you can find the filesystem in the “output/images” folder. Pick the “.cpio” file and decompress it on your SD card. I’ve used a SD card formatted with FAT filesystem: if you want to use the Ext3/4 filesystem remember to add its support in the kernel. My recommendation is to use Ext3/4 filesystem because the files links are preserved: pay attention if you use SD because several links can be broken! You need to replace some files which link to busybox to boot the system with the FAT filesystem: init, mount, sh, login, getty, mkdir, …

Boot the system

The system can be now started. Flash the u-boot on the board, insert the SD card, connect the network, connect your PC to the serial port and power up. Stop the u-boot and configure the environment:

The “root” argument depends on how your SD is formatted: I’m using the partition number 2 of the SD card.

Rekordbox For Linux Download

While running the system you can experience several OOM (Out Of Memory) errors: this is because the memory is very limited and you don’t have swap (no MMU no swap).

Rekordbox Linux Wine

Unfortunately with this configuration we don’t have enough space to run seriously a Linux system: I think that Linux needs at least 16Mbytes of RAM to run properly with this configuration. Maybe with a small upgrade of the RAM things will start to get better…

That’s all…