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  • The Vox sound is known for its ability to hang out well with guitars in a mix. From clean single drawbar melodies to grinding full power chords, it is perfect for the indie rock or 'mod' squad sound.
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On August 28, 2020, the federal District Court for the District of Columbia granted preliminary approval of an agreement to settle the claims against Vox Media, Inc. in three cases: 1) Bradley v. Vox Media, Inc., (2) Spruill v. Vox Media, Inc., and (3) Reddington v. Vox Media, Inc. A copy of the order and the motion for preliminary approval are available below.

Notice was sent to settlement class members in each of the three cases on October 13, 2020. Copies of the notices are available below.

V Vox Vicenza

The hearing for final approval of the settlement agreement resulted in final approval being granted on January 7, 2021.

V Vox

Bradley v. Vox Media, Inc. d/b/a SB Nation

On September 1, 2017, Site Manager Cheryl Bradley filed a nationwide collective action lawsuit under the Fair Labor Standards Act on behalf of all Site Managers and Managing Editors of SB Nation websites. Ms. Bradley alleges that she was paid $125 per month to manage SB Nation’s “Mile High Hockey” website, which provides coverage of the Colorado Avalanche.

Plaintiffs John Wakefield and Maija Liisa Varda joined the lawsuit in an Amended Complaint filed on October 23, 2017. The Amended Complaint may be viewed here in Part 1 and Part 2.

On March 6, 2019, a federal judge granted conditional certification of a class of past and present Site Managers and Managing Editors who worked for Vox Media, Inc. (Vox owns several media networks, including SB Nation) within the past three years. The court also authorized notice to be sent to potential class members.


Spruill v. Vox Media, Inc., d/b/a SB Nation

On September 21, 2018, former Associate Editor Tamryn Spruill filed a class, collective, and representative action against Vox on behalf of all former and current content contributors in California for any SB Nation team site who received stipends from Vox. Ms. Spruill filed Amended Complaints on March 1, 2019 and September 19, 2019. The Third Amended Complaint can be viewed here.

The Spruill lawsuit alleges claims under the California Labor Code and the California Unfair Competition Law. The lawsuit includes a representative action claim under the California Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act for Vox’s alleged violations of the California Labor Code.

V Vox

GBDH is working with co-counsel Jennings Sigmond, P.C. on Bradley and Spruill. Both cases are pending in the federal District Court for the District of Columbia.

Case Documents

V Vox Sound Bar

  • Spruill & Reddington Class NoticePDF
  • Bradley Class NoticePDF
  • Order Granting Preliminary ApprovalPDF08/28/2020
  • Motion for Preliminary ApprovalPDF08/17/2020
  • Spruill Third Amended ComplaintPDF09/19/2019
  • Bradley Amended Complaint (Part 1)PDF10/23/2017
  • Bradley Amended Complaint (Part 2)PDF10/23/2017
  • Bradley Motion to Dismiss OrderPDF09/04/2018
  • Bradley Conditional Cert OrderPDF03/06/2019
  • Bradley Notice of Collective Action Lawsuit and Opt-In FormPDF04/15/2019